Let's Get Connected

At HOGIC we want to connect and fellowship with you! We believe that helping you grow spiritually will transform your life and move you towards your Godly destiny. You are important to us and our goal is to connect and form Godly relationships. HOGIC has leaders who have Connection Groups in their homes to help spiritually shape and serve the needs of people.

A Connection Group is

  • A small group that meets with the objective of growing through the Word of God.
  • A place where you can be prayed for, edified, and taught the Word of God.
  • A home teaching center where simple, practical teachings from the Word of God help transform lives and help us become better. Acts 6:7, Acts 20, 21

The purpose of Connection Group is

  • To allow God to meet the individual and the collective needs of the small group (Luke 5:19, 20)
  • To train and grow leaders who will disciple others (Matthew 28:18-20)
  • To open doors for families to receive salvation (Acts 10)
  • To build closer relationships within the church (Matthew 9:10, Matthew 9:37-38)

Because we meet in the warmth of our homes, getting to Connection Group is easy. Connection Groups are held several days of the week across the DMV - DC, Maryland and Virginia. Let's get connected! If you would like to connect with us give us a call at 703.635.7900, we can locate a Connection Group near you.