Men's Network

The Men's Network is led by Pastor Todd Pickett and allows for candid conversations and personalized ministry in a welcoming atmosphere.

Woman's Network

The Women's Network is led by Pastor Ingrid and allows for candid conversations and personalized ministry in a welcoming atmosphere.

Singles Network (One Love)

Single or Singleness is the quality of concentrating on one central objective. The central objective is having a solid relationship with God and being one with Christ. Only Jesus can complete you and make you happy whether married or single. Our goal is to mature every unmarried person in this area. In addition we will assist you in knowing how to choose the correct mate for a lifelong marriage relationship.

I will give them one heart and one way, that they may fear me forever, for their own good and the good of their children after them. Jeremiah 32:39

Children's Network (Kingdom Kids)

The Children's Network serves the children of the families of HOGIC. The Children's Network meets each Sunday during Celebration Service. We have well trained teachers who are dedicated to helping build the spiritual foundation of the children of HOGIC. The curriculum ensures that our little ones have fun while learning the word of God as they are growing up to win disciples.

We have three different classes in HOGIC's Children Network

Toddler's Time: ages 9 months through 3 years
Wonder Years: ages 4 years through 7 years
The Explorer's: ages 8 years through 12 years

Youth Network (Generation Y)

HOGIC's Youth Network caters to our high school students. As we know, our youth population is a very unique group and therefore we must be unique in teaching them the word of God. Our youth leaders have developed a curriculum that engages the Generation Y students by using creative teaching methods that build a solid spiritual foundation. They are being equipped with all that they need to effectively go and win disciples.

Marriage Ministry (Heart to Heart Ministry)

Couples who are married, engaged, or thinking about marriage are invited to participate in Heart to Heart. This ministry is under the direct mentorship of Pastor Todd and Pastor Ingrid whose marriage has grown in love, mutual respect and passion over the past 21+ years. You will grow and be prepared for a lifelong marriage relationship in our Marriage Labs and Marriage Encounters. We teach couples how to dwell in love as one heart, pushing and pulling with the same passion in marriage.

And the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man. Then the man said, "This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man." Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. Genesis 2:22-24

Homeless Ministry

Through the will of God, the HOGIC family believes in giving to those who have experienced unfortunate circumstances in the world and to show them that God's love is real. This ministry is designed to encourage one another to take the time to give from our hearts that which was given to us. We have established a great relationship with a local shelter and will continue to assist them monthly until God guides us to move in a different direction.

Intercessory Prayer Ministry

Intercession is the act of praying on behalf of others. At HOGIC nothing happens without putting prayer at the helm. We have awesome teams of powerful men and women that stand at the forefront to pray God's vision into fruition in this ministry and in the lives of his people.

We consider ourselves an Olympic style praying team, whose purpose is to win for the team at all times- God's team. We have a Platinum Team, A Gold Team and soon to come Silver Team. While each team has a designated prayer agenda the goal is the same, advancing the Kingdom through prayer.

We accept prayer request at all times, and stand ready to petition the Lord on your behalf.

Click here to submit a prayer request.